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Cold brew is a new method of brewing coffee and tea. It is made by either using immersion or drip filters coupled with cold water and plenty of patience. We are now able to create long lasting, pre-brewed coffee or tea drinks.

It is essentially coffee or tea, brewed using cold water and time instead of hot water.

Why cold brew?

Cold brewed coffee & tea come with various benefits over traditionally brewed coffee or tea, please find below a few reasons why:

1. Simple and easy to make.
2. Low in acidity.
3. Little to no bitterness.
4. Strong and prolonged caffeine kick.
5. Can be pre-brewed and stored for long periods of time.

The downsides being that it takes 12-24 hours to brew using this method.

How to cold brew coffee with Toddy Classic

What will you need?:

1. Pre-grind 340g of coffee beans and measure out 1.65L of filtered water.
2. Insert the stopper into the bottom of the brewing container.
3. Dampen the disc shaped felt filter and place on the inside of the brewing container.
4. Add half of your pre-ground coffee and slowly add 1 cup of water at a time to this bag, allowing the water to saturate the coffee grinds. Once one half of your coffee grinds is saturated, add the other half and keep adding water till all coffee grinds are fully saturated.
5. Allow the coffee to steep for 12-24 hours.
6. Remove the stopper and empty the brewing container into a storage vessel of 1.65L
7. Remove the coffee grounds.
8. Coffee will last up to 2 weeks if refrigerated.
9. To serve as a simple cold brew use 1-part cold brew coffee concentrate to 3-parts water, milk or milk substitute. To serve as iced coffee, simply do as before but over ice.

How to cold brew tea with Toddy Classic

1. Prepare 225g of loose-leaf tea and 2.13L of filtered water.
2. Insert the stopper into the bottom of the brewing container.
3. Dampen the disc shaped felt filter and place on the inside of the brewing container.
4. Add 3 cups of the filtered water into the brewing container and half of your loose-leaf tea.
5. Slowly pour another 3 cups over the leaves, in a circular motion.
6. Add the remaining loose-leaf tea, wait 5 minutes and add the rest of the filtered water.
7. Lightly press down the leave to ensure all leaves are wet.
8. Allow the tea to steep for 12 hours.
9. Remove the stopper and empty the brewing container into a storage vessel of 2.13L.
10. Remove the loose-leaf tea.
11. Tea will last up to 1 week if refrigerated.
12. To serve as a simple cold brew use 1-part cold brew tea concentrate to 7-parts water, milk or milk substitute. Can also be served hot or iced.

Easy Clean Up Toddy Classic

1. Dispose of the coffee grounds or tea leaves.
2. Remove the reusable felt filter from of the bottom of the brewing container.
3. Rinse out the filter with water (no soap).
4. Immediately place the damp filter in a resealable plastic bag and place in the freezer.

Common problems with Toddy Classic

1. Wrong grind: with coffee or tea, the grind needs to be just right. You want the grounds to be SUPER coarse and freshly ground for coffee. For tea, you want to ensure that the loose leaves have not been powdered or are too dusty. To avoid this, use the freshest possible tea leaves you can get a hold of.
2. Wrong ratios: try and stick to the recommended weights above, until you are a bit more used to brewing cold brew. Once you are a bit more skilled at cold brewing, you can start making tweaks to the ratios. 225g of tea to 2.13L of water. 340g of coffee to 1.65L of water.
3. Impatience: coffee takes 12-24 hours to extract. Tea takes 12 hours to extract. Do not stop the brewing process too early.
4. Wrong beans: cold brew will bring out all the unique flavours of the coffee you pick. Pick the highest quality coffee you can possibly find and either go for a medium or light roast.
5. Stored for too long: coffee cold brew can last up to 2 weeks. Tea cold brew can last up to 1 week.

Cold Brew Coffee Recipes

• Coco Brew: 1 parts cold brew coffee concentrate – 3 parts coconut water.
• Cold Brew Coffee Tonic: 1 parts cold brew coffee concentrate – 3 parts tonic water – ice.
• Vanilla Almond Swirl: 1 part cold brew coffee – 3 parts almond milk – 2 drops vanilla extract – 1 pinch cinnamon – ice.

Cold Brew Tea Recipes

• Cold brew lemon green tea: 1 part green tea cold brew concentrate – 7 parts water – thyme sprigs – honey – lemon wedges – 4 tsp hot water.
• Blackberry Rooibos Tea: 1 part rooibos cold brew concentrate – 7 parts water – 2 cups blackberries – 2 cups mango, diced – maple syrup – 4 tsp hot water.
• Chamomile Strawberry Orange Cold brew tea: 1 part chamomile tea concentrate – 7 parts water – orange slices, peeled – 24 strawberries, halved – honey – 4 tsp hot water.


Brewing in bulk? Wholesale or trade customers might prefer buying a Toddy Bulk Brewer.

Please feel free to comment below any of your own recipes, troubleshooting tips or even photos of your finished drinks! Post on social media and show off your cold brew skills by tagging us in your photos #hormozicoldbrew

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