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What’s the difference between Arabica and Robusta?

In the world of coffee, two primary players dominate the scene: Arabica and Robusta. For years I think everyone has just been taught that Arabica is the “good” one and Robusta is just cheap, low quality coffee but it is our belief that both coffee types possess unique charateristics that can suit different people’s needs. Let’s delve into the key factors that set them apart.

Arabica: The Smooth Operator

Arabica beans are celebrated for their smooth taste and moderate caffeine content. Grown at higher altitudes, these beans offer a nuanced flavor profile, ranging from fruity and floral to nutty and chocolaty. They are favored by those who enjoy a more subtle and refined coffee experience.

Robusta: The Bold Challenger

On the other side of the spectrum, Robusta beans bring an intense, earthy sometimes spicy flavour, with twice the caffeine content of Arabica and tonnes of crema too. Flourishing at lower altitudes, these beans are known for their strong, full-bodied taste, often accompanied by hints of grain-like bitterness. Robusta appeals to coffee aficionados seeking a robust and invigorating start to their day.

Taste Comparison

Arabica’s flavor profile resembles a complex symphony, with bright, tangy citrus notes complemented by sweet undertones of berries, caramel, and chocolate. In contrast, Robusta offers a more direct melody with its intense, earthy essence and a touch of bitterness. While Arabica boasts a delicate balance of acidity and sweetness, Robusta caters to those who prefer a more straightforward and robust coffee experience.

The Caffeine Factor

One of the most significant differences between the two lies in their caffeine content. Arabica beans typically contain around 1.2% caffeine, while Robusta beans boast approximately 2.2%. This disparity positions Robusta as the top choice for individuals seeking an extra energy boost to power through their day.

Cultivation Variances

Arabica beans require a more delicate cultivation process and thrive at higher altitudes. In contrast, Robusta is a hardier variety, thriving at lower altitudes and in more challenging climates. Its resilience to pests and diseases makes it a preferred option for large-scale production, contributing to its widespread availability in various regions.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, choosing between Arabica and Robusta boils down to personal preference. Arabica caters to those who enjoy a sophisticated, nuanced coffee, while Robusta caters to fans of a more potent, bold brew. The next time you’re on the hunt for your perfect cup, consider these distinct characteristics to ensure your coffee experience aligns with your taste and caffeine requirements.

If you would like to try an amazing Robusta coffee, look no further than India Monsoon. Very unique, intense and spicy!


  1. Davis, A. P., Govaerts, R., Bridson, D. M., & Stoffelen, P. (2006). An annotated taxonomic conspectus of the genus Coffea (Rubiaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 152(4), 465-512.
  2. Clifford, M. N. (1985). Chemical and Physical Aspects of Green Coffee and Coffee Products. In R. J. Clarke & R. Macrae (Eds.), Coffee (pp. 309-374). Springer, Boston, MA.
  3. ICO (International Coffee Organization). (n.d.). Coffee Trade Statistics. Retrieved from
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